One Way Flight_Robert Vance

Verse 1

There's a flight, leav-ing here, in, the morning,
Des-ti-na-tion was chartered long, a-go,
And the captain, is read-y, and wait-ing,
But the eng-ins are still, idled low,
I'll wait, for those, who still lin-ger,
With these tick-ets, to every man,
Res-er-va-tions se-cured, by the sav-ior,
For this one way flight to glor-y land.


And all a-board, the master call-eth, from, the run-way,
For our leav-ing is all-most at hand,
Make your way, to the toll-gate called cal-vary,
For this one way flight to glor-y land.

Verse 2

Now this flight, is for those, be-liev-ing,
And our pi-lot, is Jesus, God's Son,
And the passengers, are read-y, and wait-ing,
Their pre-pared, for, the heav-en-ly run,
Now brother don't let this flight, leave, with-out you,
For those a-board, will soon, say good-by,
Make your way, to the toll-gate, called cal-vary,
And con-firm your res-er-va-tions in the sky.


And all a-board, the master call-eth, from, the run-way,
For our leav-ing is all-most at hand,
Make your way, to the toll-gate called cal-vary,
For this one way flight to glor-y land.


And all a-board, the master call-eth, from, the run-way,
For our leav-ing is all-most at hand,
Make your way, to the toll-gate called cal-vary,
For this one way flight to glor-y land.

Performed by Robert Vance

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Bringing Back The Fifties Junebug & FriendsAmberluv