A Night At the Drive-In
Written By: Sally Matheson ©
Circle round the drive-in, a thing from yesterday. Remembering those weekend nights, so fun in every way.
Cruise around in circles, honk a time or two. Wave to all your friends, they wave back to you.
Pull into a slot, rev the engine high. Then sip a good old cherry coke, and watch the cars circle by.
Order up some fries, a dog or burger too. Then in a little while, the waitress brings it out to you.
Only thing about the drive-in, you better mind your p's and q's, Cause you could end up in trouble, sitting home, and singing the blues!
Memories of the drive-in, keep those school grades up. Or no trips to the drive-in, you'd be totally out of luck!
Send comments to the poet: Sally Matheson (Poem is Not to be used without permission) Please be sure to visit Ms. Matheson's website
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